We offer children a place where they will enjoy spending time in and environment that parents feel comfortable with. Our focus is on each child’s social and emotional development. After the school day we encourage the children to use their free time as they wish. They are encouraged to become involved in planned activities but can play independently if they wish.
We work collaboratively with children to develop a programme that is rich in experiences and opportunities that support the holistic development of all children.
There are opportunities within each service for children to take part in a variety of play experiences including engagement in arts and creative pursuits, physical activities, games with rules, technology, science, nature and project-based activities.
We provide a supportive atmosphere when children are engaged in their homework by encouraging peer support and shared learning. Our homework policy is developed in collaboration with the children and their parents.
Meal and snack times are seen as social occasions within our services, where children and our colleagues share positive dining experiences including preparation and table setting, taking time to interact, catchup, share stories and interests. Our hot food is served ‘family style’ with the children helping themselves.