Our Commitments

  1. The Environment

We all have a part to play when it comes to the environment.  We work closely with our children to develop a sense of responsibility and care for our environment, and we aim to help shape the environment of tomorrow.  We are always looking at ways to reduce our impact on the environment, including:

  • Reducing our consumption of environmental resources e.g., by being water-wise.
  • Reducing our consumption of resources that have a negative impact on the environment, such as single-use plastics where possible.
  • Reducing waste in general, including food waste.
  • Recycling and composting (where available).
  • Educating and inspiring our children about the environment and the importance of sustainability.
  • Inspiring our teams and families to be more sustainable in their own homes.
  • We promote a ‘circular economy’ within our services and share, redistribute, reuse, or refurbish existing equipment and resources to get as much use as possible from them.
  • We encourage colleagues to only travel for meetings when necessary and choose the most environmentally friendly option when travel is necessary.
  • We are actively moving towards and promoting ‘paper-free’ offices.
  • We are investing in energy efficient lighting in all services by replacing old lighting with energy efficient LED bulb. This is being done over time as the old bulbs run out.
  • We are replacing equipment and machinery with more energy-efficient options. This is being done over time as items come due for replacement.

Hands holding earth with smile face, save planet, earth day, environment day, happy world, csr social responsibility, sustainable living concept

Our Curriculum

Sustainability and active citizenship are important to Tigers Childcare and we strive to develop a sense of shared responsibility among colleagues, children and families to care for our environment for the future.  In our curriculum, we provide opportunities for children to engage in child-friendly learning experiences (using our medium-term planner) around consumption, recycling, reducing waste.

  1. Social

Our colleagues are our most important asset. As such we are committed to:

  • Colleague Development, Engagement, and Retention.

Colleague development is an area we are committed to enhancing. Annual training budgets are allocated and used towards upskilling and continuous professional development (CPD). An online e-learning platform – the Tigers Childcare Dulann Learning Management System – provides colleagues with access to a variety of training programmes. Regular Support & Supervision meetings take place between managers and their teams to facilitate discussions around performance and highlight any areas for development.

We provide opportunities for colleagues to submit feedback and give their opinions via Tigers Connect, our colleague insight survey as well as other ad hoc surveys throughout the year.

We established ‘Colleagues Voice’ – a forum to give colleagues another opportunity to provide feedback and voice their opinions.

  • Colleague Wellbeing

We strive to support the wellbeing of our colleagues. We do this by providing access to an Employee Assistance Programme to colleagues and their dependents. Our colleagues have access to digital clinics via our wellbeing partner, Health Assured, where they have access to qualified dietitians, physiotherapists, parenting specialists, personal trainers, and qualified financial advisors. We also organise regular wellbeing webinars throughout the year.

Colleagues can also avail of discounted gym membership at Flyfit gyms. Discounted Healthcare Plans are available to colleagues and are provided by HSF.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

‘Diversity’ is one of our core values; “our colleagues are our greatest strength, we know it takes people with different ideas, strengths, interests and cultural backgrounds to make our company succeed”.

We are committed to promoting diversity and providing inclusive and welcoming environments for all members of our community. Inclusion & diversity are fundamental to the culture at our company. We believe that no one should be discriminated against because of their age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation and we work hard to build an environment where everyone feels welcome. We believe that our diversity makes us stronger, and we embrace diversity as a source of innovation, creativity, and competitive advantage.

  • Health & Safety

The health and safety of the children and young people we educate and care for, our colleagues, children’s families, contractors, and other visitors at our services is of fundamental importance to us. All services adhere to the company’s overall Health & Safety Policy in addition to specific policies relating to health & safety which are underpinned by relevant legislation. Risk assessments specific to each location and operation are carried out and managed routinely.

  • Data Security

We comply with applicable laws and regulations related to Personal Data Protection in Ireland and the UK. We handle personal data of children, colleagues and parents/guardians and we take our responsibility as a Data Processor seriously.

Please refer to our Data Protection Policy and Cyber Security Policy for further details.

  • Quality of Service at Tigers Childcare

‘Excellence through Quality’ is one of our Core Values; We deliver the best possible outcomes for the children in our care and take pride in our work which is founded on quality.

Service quality is at the heart of our business. Our pedagogical approach is play-based and child-led. We are a leader amongst our peers in providing high quality programs

We continually strive to achieve high-quality practice. Our aim is to build and embed a positive and productive team culture that contributes to best practice and supports the achievement of the Tigers Childcare vision.

The processes we use to achieve this vision include:

  • Induction training programme
  • Support and Supervision
  • Constructive Feedback
  • Strengths-based Support
  • Ongoing Policy Review
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Reflective Practice
  • Engagement with national quality improvement programmes
  • Internal Compliance Inspections
  • Parents as Partners

There is consistent evidence that positive and interested families have a major influence on their children’s achievement at all stages through life. We believe that for children to optimise their cognitive, emotional, and social learning, parents and our colleague team need to work together in a close partnership. We recognise that parents play a fundamental role in a child’s development as their first educators and our aim is to always support their role. A two-way sharing of information is key to this. Please refer to our Parents as Partners Policy for further details.

  • Linking in with our community

We are committed to supporting each child’s health, welfare, development, and well-being. Children come to Tigers every day telling stories of their experiences with family and friends in their local community.

Our curriculum is underpinned by Aistear: The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework. Aistear is based on 12 principles of early learning and development. One of the themes of Aistear is ‘Identity & Belonging’. Children will have a sense of group identity where links with their family and community are acknowledged and extended. We encourage learning opportunities which help promote a child’s sense of identity & belonging in the following ways:

  • By promoting outings, we enable colleagues to respond to these stories by bringing children into the community. Outings promote children’s identity and belonging, acting as a bridge between community life and life in Tigers. This bridge enables children to apply learning across environments which deepens their experiences, understandings, and growing knowledge (Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Hayes et al 2019).
  • We discuss the roles of people in the community such as a garda/police officer, a nurse, a social welfare officer, a librarian, a teacher, a lollipop person and invite them to visit our services.
  • We implement activities that promote and benefit the local community and make children visible as active citizens in the community.
  • We celebrate important festivals in the children’s lives e.g., Diwali.

In broader terms we actively participate in our communities by sponsoring events and local clubs.

  1. Governance

We believe in promoting good corporate governance practices and uphold the highest standards when it comes to managing risks and ensuring compliance with regulations.

We have strict policies in place to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations. The ethical and practical values that make up the different parts of ESG have always been at the heart of what we, as a company, stand for.

We are committed to maintaining strong corporate governance practices. Good governance is foundational to our business. Our focus is to promote strong oversight, transparency, and risk management at all levels of the company.

  • Legal Compliance

We are committed to maintaining compliance under the regulatory requirements by which we are governed in both the operational and financial aspects of our business.

  • Anti-Bribery & Corruption

One of the core values of Tigers is Integrity: “We are honest, open, ethical, and fair. We speak up when our core values are not being respected”.

In line with this core value, we take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption across all jurisdictions in which we operate. We do not engage in or accept any form of bribery, collusive anti-competitive discussions, or arrangements. Our Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy establishes controls to ensure that we live up to these values. Please refer to the policy for further details.

  • Whistleblowing

We are committed to maintaining an open culture with the highest standards of transparency and accountability in all aspects of our work when caring for and educating the children attending our services. Our Whistleblowing Policy has been designed to encourage and enable colleagues to raise, rather than overlook, genuine concerns or disclose information related to potential wrongdoing as outlined within the policy, internally, at the earliest possible stage. Please refer to the policy for further details.

  • Board Effectiveness

Effective corporate governance requires that company boards develop new ways of working as the business landscape continues to shift. We are committed to evaluating our board’s effectiveness and routinely evaluate the quality and efficiency of the board’s work, composition and alignment using BoardClic evaluation surveys.

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”
Join the growing Tigers community of over 2,000 children across 26 locations in Ireland
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What parents say about Tigers Childcare

Sending a big thanks you to Tigers for creating such a loving and caring space for my daughter, Zoe Katie! From day one, we felt like part of the family. The staff are amazing - they're so attentive and genuinely passionate about their work. Zoe Katie has flourished under their care, and we're grateful for all the happy memories she's made. I'd enthusiastically recommend Tigers to any parent seeking a nurturing and stimulating environment for their child. We'll miss you all dearly!

Douglas Parent Testimonial

What parents say about Tigers Childcare

We’re beyond grateful for the incredible care and nourishing environment provided by Tigers. The staff's dedication and warmth have made our child's experience truly enriching. Thank you for creating a happy place with engaging activities for our little one.

St. Phillip’s Parent

What parents say about Tigers Childcare

I couldn’t recommend Tigers in St Philips enough. My 5 year old boy is absolutely loving the place. The girls are going above and beyond to keep these little faces smiling all day. I’m very happy I came across them when looking for childcare, 100% recommend.. Huge thank you to Leanne and Leah!

St Philip's Parent

What parents say about Tigers Childcare

Ethan absolutely loves pre-school and his teachers. He is always excited to go and has made friends. As a full time working Mum I love the introduction of Child Paths. I know he has been safely dropped off and picked up which gives me great peace of mind.

Enfield Parent

What parents say about Tigers Childcare

Ryan really enjoys his time at Tigers, he loves doing arts and crafts, doing experiments with the girls and playing with toys with his friends. Triona and Tender are very efficient and friendly. They take great time to play with the children and ensure they have a good time.

Sacred Heart Parent

What parents say about Tigers Childcare

Just wanted to pass on my sincere thanks and appreciation to Katelyn in Junior Discovery room. She is the most loved teacher there, not only by Mia but I heard the best reviews from many mums too. She makes this scary step for us parents and our babies so easy when you see the love and care she gives our babies. Mia fell in love with Katelyn from day one and is happy going to creche since. Her face lights up every time she sees Katelyn and it warms my heart leaving Mia in her care every day. Katelyn is such an asset to your team and I will forever be grateful for her as the 1st and such loved Mia’s teacher! She is an example of a carer who truly loves her job and gives it 100%. Every parent is lucky to have Katelyn taking care of their babies! It will be a hard transition to move to a different room and leave Katelyn behind and I can see what lovely bond Katelyn formed with Mia already. I am sure there will be other amazing teachers in Tigers we will get to meet along the way.

Bettystown Parent

What parents say about Tigers Childcare

Jaydens experience in Tigers Balgriffin so far has been so amazing. Every day he comes home with new skills and it’s great to see him mixing with other children his age. He absolutely loves the staff in his room like Alba, Lucia and Isabel, they are so loving and welcoming to him and greet him with a big hug everyday. The activities they run with the class are so purposeful and are things I would never think to do with my son. They really go above and beyond with the care they give Jayden and the relationship formed with me too. I’m very grateful for all their hard work and effort!

Balgriffin Parent

What parents say about Tigers Childcare

Indie absolutely loves Belgard Tigers and it is a testament to all teachers and management there. I am so happy I chose this creche for my daughter and love getting updates / photos of her baking, coloring and playing throughout the day.

Belgard Square Parent

What parents say about Tigers Childcare

We are very happy that we chose to send our son, Max, to Tigers Childcare in Ashbourne. He couldn't be happier, his social skills have really grown and he has made a lot of friends. All the children in the Junior and Senior discoverers rooms are so joyful and they all seem to have a wonderful rapport with each of the staff. A special thank you to Aimee, Ciara, Laura, IIze and Niamh who put so much effort into caring for the children, making their days so much fun, and keeping the center running so well. We never have to worry about Max as they keep us posted throughout the day on child paths and will always engage with the parents on different topics. We also love how Max is constantly doing activities while in creche. Whether it be arts and crafts, playing games, outdoor fun, etc. He is never bored.

Ashbourne Parent

Corporate Headquarters

Suite 10, Plaza 256, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2,
Dublin 15, D15 EH34
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